If we can truly see ourselves, we can love ourselves, and unlock the magic each of us has to offer.


Motivation in Movement is a wellness coaching practice that specializes in inspiring and empowering people to embody their full potential. Through coaching and exploring the Enneagram, we identify who you are, and what you want, and what part of yourself you need to tap to live your happiest and healthiest life. It is a journey of self realization, by identifying strengths, and weaknesses, addressing challenges, and setting goals and ultimately learning to have self compassion. I believe as a coach that each individual has everything inside of them that they are looking for. That the work is in noticing ourselves, and our patterns, and learning from that. Discovering how to connect to our whole self, and have compassion for all of it. I am honored to hear your story, to learn from you, and walk with you on your journey.